Start by watching the video below:
00:01  Our Mission in Medical Massage
01:46  Benefits of No Oil, Clothes-On Approach
05:10  Importance of Side-Lying Position
08:32  Our Instructors, Julie Brown & Barbara Ollis
09:32  Medical Knowledge and Terminology
14:00  Pillow Tricks
17:30  What our students say
21:50  Thumbsavers: Better Results, Pain Free
25:58  Pull-not-Push Techniques
30:00  Online Masterclass & 4-Day Live Classes 
40:46  30-Day No-Risk Trial 
41:50  Business and Professional Development

Start with our Comprehensive
5-Month Online Masterclass

Then, get Certified at our Optional
4-Day Live Techniques Intensive

Currently Scheduled Live Classes:

Prerequisite: Completion of 5-Month Online Masterclass

Click Button for Details

April 24-27 2025 Seatac, WA
Oct 17 -20, 2025 El Paso, TX
Nov 6 - 9 2025 Albany, NY
March 14 - 21, 2026 7-Day Caribbean Cruise
April 23 - 26 2026 Albany, NY

Meet Our Instructors:

Barbara Ollis & Julie Brown


We take pride in the support we provide our students. 

If you have any questions about getting started, feel free to book a call at your convenience.

Our course covers the full range of pathologies that can be impacted by
soft tissue manipulation.

Also, pathologies that are not likely to be impacted or are contraindicated for massage, and where referral out to a physician is warranted.

Click the arrows below:

Cervical Radiculopathy, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Anterior Scalene Syndrome, Costoclavicular Syndrome, Posterior Cervical Pain Syndrome, Whiplash Syndrome, Headaches-Tension, Sinus, Cluster, Migraine, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Tension Myositis Syndrome, Sinus Pressure Release

Double Crush Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Costoclavicular Syndrome, Pectoralis Minor Syndrome, Myogenic TOS, Adhesive Capsulitis/Frozen Shoulder, Bicipital Tendinosis, Rotator Cuff Tendinosis, Medial Epicondylitis/Golfer’s Elbow, Lateral Epicondylitis/Tennis Elbow, Radial Nerve Entrapment Neuropathies, Radial Tunnel Syndrome, Wartenberg’s Syndrome, Intersection Syndrome, Median Nerve Entrapment Neuropathies, Pronator Teres/Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndromes, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Neuropathies, Cubital Nerve Syndrome, Guyon Tunnel Syndrome, deQuervain’s Stenosing Tenosynovitis, Bursitis- Sub-acromial, Olecranon

Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Facet Joint Syndrome, Intercostal Neuralgia, Hiatal Hernia, Myofascial Chest Wall Syndromes, Costosternal Syndrome, Sternalis Syndrome, Xiphoidalgia, Lower Rib Syndromes, Nerve Root Irritation & Compression, Restricted Breathing

Sciatica, Nerve Root Irritation, Meralgia Paresthetica, Trochanteric Bursitis, Pseudo-Sciatica Syndrome, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Lumbar Disc Pathology/Herniated Nucleus Pulposus, Mechanical Low Back Pain, Piriformis Syndrome, Bursitis-Ischial, Trochanteric, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylolisthesis, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Coccyalgia

Piriformis Syndrome, Pseudo-Sciatica, Fascia Lata Fasciitis, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Meralgia Paresthetica (Burning Thigh Pain), Collateral Ligament Sprain, Patellofemoral Stress Syndrome, Patellar Tendinitis (Jumper’s Knee), Popliteal Tendinitis, Knee Plica, Chondromalacia Patella (Runner’s Knee), Degenerative Arthritis, Bursitis, Shin Splint Syndrome, Compartment Compression Syndrome, Ligament Sprain, Achilles Tendinosis, Heel Pain, Plantar Fascitis, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Mortons’s Neuroma/Interdigital, Metatarsalgia, Hallux Valgus Deformity/Bunion, Hallux Rigidus, Hammer Toe, Mallet Toe, Claw Toe, Curly Toe

Through effective documentation and knowledge of medical assessment protocols the path is opened to an increased level of physician referrals. In this course, we will review, practice and document all the Orthopedic Physical Assessments from the other five Medical Massage Therapy Courses. 

We will practice: AROM measurement of all major joints with the Goniometer and the Tri-Measure for the TMJ and all Special Tests and Postural Assessments from the basic 5 courses. 

Students will receive a Course Manual containing a printable set of forms including client history, informed consent, all MMT assessments, STT chart,SOAP chart, and sample reporting forms to be sent to Physicians and Dentists.

A different approach to massage that attracts clients willing to pay you more.

You will feel better armed in your business of doing massage, having confidence and credibility to bring in clients who are tailored to what you do best, rather than whoever walks in the door.


Learn powerful ways to make your massage more effective that most massage schools don't teach.

The medical background, critical thinking skills, and treatment protocols we teach will empower you to deliver individualized, client-centered health care and get referrals from MDs, Chiropractors, PTs, even Dentists.


Get better results for your clients while protecting yourself from burnout

Our comprehensive program shows how to clinically target your treatments for superior results, with less physical effort and stress on your thumbs, back, and shoulders.

This class was exactly
what I needed.

Wendy Scott,
Mena, AR
Medical Massage helped
my practice to grow.

Dawn Rabideau,
Wichita Falls, TX
My clients are very happy with the new techniques.
Katrina Mclaughlin
Atlanta, GA

In this Comprehensive On-Line Medical Massage Masterclass you will learn:

Click the arrows on the left to see what we cover:

Clinically studied techniques:
✓ Basic Swedish (Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction) to manage hypertonicity
✓ Joint Mobilization & Orthopedic Manual Therapy
Techniques (Passive and active range of motion (PROM, AROM), joint mobilization, mild traction)
✓ Trigger Point / Neuromuscular Therapy to eliminate referred pain
✓ Muscle Energy (Active Release, Isometric, Isotonic Concentric, and Isotonic Eccentric Contraction) for muscle tone and spasms
✓ Myofascial Release for fascial restrictions
✓ Skin Rolling & Bindegewebemassage to assess and release subcutaneous adhesions
✓ Osteopathic Oscillation & Movement-Based Releases for relaxation of articular tension.
✓ Lymphatic Massage
✓ Orthopedic Assessment Tests
✓ Postural Assessment
✓ Remedial Exercises
✓ Hydrotherapy
✓ Relevant Anatomy
✓ Medical Terminology
✓ Clinical Protocols
✓ Documentation - SOAP Notes for Insurance
✓ Indications and Contraindications for Massage and/or Referral
✓ Special Populations:  Pre/Post Natal, Infant & Child, Veterans, Athletes, Seniors, Teaching Self-care, Stress Management, Stress Physiology, Whiplash & Concussion, Repetitive Use Injuries
✓ Ethics
✓ Practice and Referral Building
✓ Client Communication
✓ Burnout Protection

✓ Much, much more...
Over 100 Physical Assessments for pain, posture, and active and passive range of motion. 

Over 50 Special Regional tests that can pinpoint specific pathologies.

We cover over 100 different pathologies that can be successfully addressed through massage therapy and a bunch more are identified that a massage therapist is likely to see but cannot really impact.

43 of which are easily approachable in the side lying position that is rarely ever taught in traditional massage school.

We cover over 30 contraindications of what not to do and when.

And finally we highlight over 175 specific musculoskeletal injuries, conditions and pains.
Through presentations, demonstrations and on-line interaction you will learn skills to enhance your massage therapy practice by applying the process of the clinical or medical model as you work with every client.
You’ll also be able to extend your massage career by adopting ergonomically correct, alternative techniques and tools that replace "thumb work" and repetitive pushing!
We’ll review relevant anatomy and you’ll learn how to apply medical terminology, documentation, assessment tests, remedial exercises and hydrotherapy for your client’s maximum benefit.
Our pathology review will detail relevant soft tissue injuries and conditions as well as their indications and contraindications for massage therapy.
We also add information on common maladies that often are relevant in musculoskeletal pain complaints that may require referral to another health professional and / or require massage therapy modification during therapeutic application.
You’ll learn how to better prepare your clients to receive your treatments through the clothes on, no oil approach and how by adding in the side-lying body position with proper pillow support, and other particular body positioning “tricks”, you can gain better access to discrete muscles to deliver the most effective treatment.
You’ll also learn how to establish and maintain communication with you client to keep your pressure “just right”.
The massage therapy techniques we present include basic Swedish techniques (with an emphasis on friction and gliding) to manage hypertonicity, trigger point therapy to eliminate referred pain, muscle energy techniques for muscle tone and spasm complaints, myofascial techniques to address fascial restrictions and osteopathic oscillation movements for relaxation of articular tension.
But most importantly, rather than providing particular recipes for particular pathologies, David and Wanita will give you the background and teach you the critical thinking process you’ll need for client centered care.
Our intention is to help you develop and deliver an effective multi-session treatment plan, based on multiple scientific assessments that, along with your holistic unique intuitive and sensitive hands-on talents, will help you integrate into a medical or clinical environment and communicate better with other health professionals.
These are the clinical skills that will set you apart as a Medical Massage Therapist, providing soft tissue manipulation that gets results where others fail, playing a vital, truly hands-on role in resolving your client’s injuries, conditions, pain and dysfunction.
Detailed demonstrations of specific soft tissue treatment techniques make up a significant portion of the video content available exclusively through this course.

These demos are included on the Bonus DVDs we will send you, which are no longer available for sale outside of this course.

The demonstrations were shot in a studio, using multiple cameras and include detailed close-ups so you can best observe the techniques David is teaching.
It's actually more effective to learn these techniques from the video than from participating in a group class.
Here you have an unobstructed close-up view and you can rewind and repeat any part of the video so you can really absorb and learn each move.
The demos also frequently detail specific ergonomic alternatives, like using the Thumbsaver, beveled L-bar and his "less push, more pull" techniques, as well as supporting body positioning with holds or with pillows to put muscles on slack for better access and treatment.

Risk Free, 30 Day
No Questions Asked Guarantee:


We know there’s great value to this course but we also want you to be completely comfortable too, so we set up a RISK FREE 30 Day Trial - No Questions Asked Guarantee.

We will make a full refund of your tuition, with no questions asked, if you cancel your subscription within 30 days of registration and return our course materials.

We'll even pay the return postage.

Most Comprehensive Program

All of these resources combine into the broadest and most comprehensive interactive program covering the essentials of clinical practice we know of.

Techniques Taught No-where Else

Learn career-saving delivery techniques only found here.

Look around, we think you'll agree.

"Now I know I'll be able to do this until I don't want to anymore."

Craig Whiting, Las Vegas, NV

Start With Our Comprehensive
Self-paced, Online MASTERCLASS
72 CE Hr Home study

Individual Tuition for 
Online Masterclass
is $1,600 before all discounts.
Apply any COUPON CODE you have been given at checkout to save.

Save More on our Certification Package Below

20% Discount Applied
at Checkout 



20% Discount Applied
at Checkout 


PER MONTH for 6 months  Includes $12 Recurring Transaction Fee
Certificate issued when tuition installment plan is complete.


20% Discount Applied
at Checkout 


PER MONTH for 12 months  Includes $12 Recurring Transaction Fee
Certificate issued when tuition installment plan is complete.


Earn your Medical Massage Certification in our 100-hour comprehensive online and live program.

Five months online, then four days of intense one-on-one coaching with Julie Brown or Barbara Ollis

Julie Brown, Instructor

Barbara Ollis, Instructor

Live Certification Class Details:

The 4-Day Live Techniques Intensive is designed to round out your skills in MMT and give you direct experience and practice of all of the hands-on techniques we teach through videos online.

This intensive is not a stand-alone course, it is available only in conjunction with our On-Line Masterclass.

Each session starts with a quick recap of the techniques at hand, with the bulk of time spent practicing on each other and getting one-on-one coaching on your delivery.

The live format allows our instructors to assess each student for skill and competency in delivering effective treatment in the clinical context as taught in our online Masterclass.

When you pass this competency exam that completes the 4-Day Techniques Intensive you will receive a certificate that shows not only 28 NCBTMB approved “Live” CE Hrs, but also that you have been awarded “Certification in Medical Massage Therapy by Health Matters Seminars”.

Graduates consistently tell us how valuable this class was for them, not only for the direct coaching on their skills by our instructors but even more importantly, how receiving each of these techniques properly delivered solidified their body-mind connection to the advanced treatments they want to provide their clients. We are so looking forward to working one-on-one with you. Yeah!

Each session starts with a quick recap of the techniques at hand, with the bulk of time spent practicing on each other and getting one-on-one coaching on your delivery.

The live format allows our instructors to assess each student for skill and competency in delivering effective treatment in the clinical context as taught in our online Masterclass.

When you pass this competency exam that completes the 4-Day Techniques Intensive you will receive a certificate that shows not only 28 NCBTMB approved “Live” CE Hrs, but also that you have been awarded “Certification in Medical Massage Therapy by Health Matters Seminars”.

Please come having already practiced the techniques covered in our videos and ready to demonstrate to me what you have already learned. That's how you will get the most out of this class.

We're so looking forward to meeting you. We promise you a thorough training in all the manual techniques we teach.

Many students register for the 4-day class using our no-fee installment plan to ensure that there's a seat for them in any future class we schedule.

We will be announcing more 2025 classes shortly. You will be able to select whichever one works for you.

You are not required to register now, all graduates of our online Masterclass can add a 4-day class later too.

Registration is for the class only, it does not include travel nor accommodations. 

SeaTac, WA
April 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2025

Thur - Sun 
DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport
+1 (206) 439-6112
18740 International Blvd
Seattle, WA 98188

Only a few seats remain for existing Masterclass students only. 

Prerequisite: Completion of 5-Month Online Masterclass

4-day Live Techniques Intensive 
w/ Barbara Ollis
Oct 17, 18, 19 & 20, 2025
Fri - Mon

Prerequisite: Completion of 5-Month Online Masterclass

4-day Live Techniques Intensive 
w/ Barbara Ollis
Albany, NY
Nov 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2025
Thurs - Sun
Center For Natural Wellness
School Of Massage Therapy
14 Computer Drive West
Albany, NY 12205

Celebrity Apex

March 14 - 21, 2026

4-Day Techniques Intensive while aboard a 7-day Celebrity Apex cruise to the Caribbean!

 Roundtrip from  Port Canaveral (Orlando), Florida.

Passage Starts at $1,737/ per person based on double occupancy - inside cabin.
Includes pre-paid Gratuities, Port fees, taxes, trip protection, and transfers which is why it is slightly higher than Celebrity's website.

Airfare & Course Tuition
NOT included.

Add a non-student spouse or friend for $1,737

A deposit of $300 per person must be made by November 1, 2025, with final payments due by December 1, 2025.

Private & Balcony Cabins are available for an additional fee, please ask.

Limited to 20 Students

Julie Brown will coordinate private low-cost Excursion Packages into port cities that you can purchase separately.

SAT 14 MAR Port Canaveral, Florida - 3:30 PM Boarding

SUN 15 MAR Class while Cruising 

MON 16 MAR Puerto Plata, Dominican Rep 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Docked

TUE 17 MAR San Juan, Puerto Rico
10:30 AM 6:00 PM Docked

WED 18 MAR Basseterre, St.Kitts
8:00 AM 4:00 PM Docked

THU 19 MAR Class while Cruising 

FRI 20 MAR Class while Cruising 

SAT 21 MAR Port Canaveral, Florida
7:00 AM - Departure

Celebrity Website:

Cruise Booking through Sara Matthews 
Explorer’s Travel Advantage
[email protected]
More Info:

4-day Live Techniques Intensive 
w/ Barbara Ollis
Albany, NY
Nov 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2025
Thurs - Sun
Center For Natural Wellness
School Of Massage Therapy
14 Computer Drive West
Albany, NY 12205

Remember, the prerequisite for earning your Certification in Medical Massage Therapy is your completion of our comprehensive online Masterclass. (Separate Tuition)
Students typically take five months to complete the Masterclass so be sure to leave yourself plenty of time. 
Select your Dates and Location after Checkout
Save More on Our Certification Package Below

4-Day Techniques Intensive of Your Choice


20% Discount applied
at Checkout 


4-Day Techniques Intensive of Your Choice


PER MONTH for 6 months  Includes $12 Recurring Transaction Fee

20% Discount applied
at Checkout 

Certificate issued upon completion of class and tuition installment plan.


4-Day Techniques Intensive of Your Choice


PER MONTH for 12 months  Includes $12 Recurring Transaction Fee

20% Earlybird Discount applied
at Checkout

Certificate issued upon completion of class and tuition installment plan.


CONVENIENT CERTIFICATION PACKAGE: Masteclass + 4 Day Techniques Intensive - Your Choice of Date & Location

Select your Dates and Location after Checkout

Masterclass + Your Choice of 4-Day Techniques Intensive

25% Package Discount Applied
at Checkout 

Masterclass: $1600
Live Class: $1260
Package: $2860
Package: $2145


Masterclass + Your Choice of 4-Day Techniques Intensive

25% Package Discount Applied
at Checkout 


PER MONTH for 6 months  Includes $12 Recurring Transaction Fee

Certificate issued when tuition installment plan is complete.


Masterclass + Your Choice of 4-Day Techniques Intensive

25% Package Discount Applied
at Checkout 


PER MONTH for 12 months  Includes $12 Recurring Transaction Fee

Certificate issued when tuition installment plan is complete.


With 10 students registered, we can bring our 4-day live class to your location. Reach us at [email protected] (973) 271-0788


50% Complete

Two Step

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