$117.00 USD

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

The Fine Print for Live Classes:
Tuition is for the class only, exclusive of travel and accommodations.

Exclusive of our 30-day Masterclass trial, if you are adding the live class to your existing tuition package we offer a 100% refund if you cancel within 7 days of purchase, otherwise, we do not refund tuition.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, this class is confirmed. If we are forced to cancel the class for any reason you will be able to roll your tuition over to the next available class in same or other location.

If you cancel attending a class more the 60 days before the class you may roll over to another class, provided space is available.

If you cancel attending a class less the 60 days before the class you may roll over 50% of your tuition to another class, provided space is available.

Full forfeiture if you cancel attending a class less the 7 days before the class, unless you have a documented, personal medical emergency.

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12 Installments: 4-Day Live Techniques Intensive Dates and Location of Your Choice