$2,860.00 USD

We want you to be able to try out our online Masterclass to see if it is right for you with no risk, so we set up a
RISK FREE 30 Day Trial - No Questions Asked Guarantee.

We will make a full refund of your tuition, with no questions asked, if you notify us of your cancellation within 30 days of registration and return our course materials.

We believe there is so much that you will find valuable that we want you to be able to access all our material for as long as you need, so once your tuition is paid in full, your course access will never expire for as long as our course exists.

The Fine Print for Live Classes:
Tuition is for the class only, exclusive of travel and accommodations.

Exclusive of our 30-day Masterclass trial, if you are adding the live class to your existing tuition package we offer a 100% refund if you cancel within 7 days of purchase, otherwise, we do not refund tuition.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, this class is confirmed. If we are forced to cancel the class for any reason you will be able to roll your tuition over to the next available class in same or other location.

If you cancel attending a class more the 60 days before the class you may roll over to another class, provided space is available.

If you cancel attending a class less the 60 days before the class you may roll over 50% of your tuition to another class, provided space is available.

Full forfeiture if you cancel attending a class less the 7 days before the class, unless you have a documented, personal medical emergency.


For Your Exclusive Use:

We require students to agree that your membership access to this class website and all course materials, including workbooks and all videos that you may download will be for your own personal use only and that you will not share your password or duplicate and distribute any content associated with this course.

You also agree that your "lifetime" access to this course refers to this course's lifetime, not your own and that you will have access to this course website for as long as this course website is active and functioning online, with no expectations or claims beyond that.


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MMT Certification Package Full Tuition

Certificates only issued when tuition installment plan is complete.

Online Masterclass PLUS
4 Day Techniques Intensive

Date and Location to be Chosen
(Additional fees apply for any Cruise)