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 Pop Quiz 4: LUMBAR & HIP PAIN

Question: The function of the Psoas is often considered as a possible contributor to lumbar pain. To asses a Psoas that may be restricted, hypertoned, and shortened perform all but the following:

a. The Thomas Test                                    b. Measure External Hip Rotation
c. Measure Internal Hip Rotation          d. Muscle test Hip Flexion for painful response

The answer is b. The function of the Psoas is hip flexion and external rotation. The Thomas test gives us information on whether hip extension is limited and if that movement causes discomfort or pain, thereby noting the hypertoned Psoas as a hip flexor is painful when elongated and is limiting hip extension. If we measure internal hip rotation as limited, it points to the hypertoned Psoas as hip external rotator as tight and restricted. If we muscle test hip flexion and it is painful, it suggests putting a load on the Psoas as hip flexor may have compromised function.

In our FREE VIDEOS, you'll learn:

  • How Clothes-On, No-Oil brings a clinical focus to your practice.

  • How the Side-Lying Position provides a more effective treatment, that’s also easier on your body to deliver.

  • How adopting Clinical Protocols and Terminology allows you to better communicate with physicians and insurance carriers.

  • How to lengthen your career and give a superior massage using No Thumbs.

  • How to protect your back and shoulders with “Less Push, More Pull” techniques.

David Morin

“Since 2001 I’ve taught Medical Massage Therapy to professionals seeking to enhance and extend their careers and adopt a more clinical approach to treating specific musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.

If your goal is to deliver the most effective therapeutic treatments to get your clients out of pain and back in their game, I know you’ll want to view these three new, free videos I just made for you.” 


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