MMT QUIZ 1: Range of Motion of Cervical Spine

If neck flexion is limited, which muscles would you suspect are restricting the movement? 
A. The Posterior Paraspinals
B. SCM and Scalenes
C. Levator Scapula and Trapezius
D. Longus Colli and Longus Capitis

Answer "A" is correct.  
The posterior "paraspinals" are the muscles that surround and extend the spine, including the neck, thorax and lumbosacral vertebrae. They are layered in the lamina groove (between the spinous and transverse processes).

From deepest to most superficial in the neck are: rotatores, multifidus, semispinalis, spinalis & longissimus, splenius capitis and trapezius.

Being postural muscles they try very hard to keep our head "on straight". This slow twitch action often creates hypertonicity (HT) with possible ischemia in the muscles. The HT of these muscles and related fascia may limit neck flexion.

Normal cervical range of motion is:
Flexion – 70 to 80 degrees
Extension – 60 to 70 degrees
Lateral flexion – 35 to 45 degrees on both sides
Rotation – 70 to 80° of rotation to both sides.

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See you on the inside, Thanks.
David Morin, LMT
NCBTMB Approved Provider since 2001

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